Indu and Chanda (Servants)
Indu has only recently started working for the family and is desperate to be of service, but she does so with an enthusiasm bordering on the intrusive. Always eager to please she does not know when or how to hold back.
On the other hand her mother, Chanda, is desperate to avoid any work whatsoever. And when work cannot be avoided she deliberately does it so badly that they ask her to stop.

Nilesh and Raju
Nilesh is the local postman who does not respect the borders of privacy – or envelopes. The Post Office employs him to be a messenger, and in his eyes to be a good messenger he needs to be directly involved in the chain of information. As a hard-working and conscientious member of this chain of information, he is obviously required to read people’s letters before he sends or delivers them. He is very proud of the service he provides and feels compelled to delve even deeper into the mysterious identity of this ‘Baba guru’ with whom the Kumar family corresponds.
Raju is a local chaiwalla and friend of Nilesh. He has an innocently warped view of reality, naively believing himself to be much more of an important figure in the community of Mehrgaon than he really is.
Arjun and Balu
Arjun and Balu are two friends of Nilesh and Raju who regularly hang out at the chai stall. Arjun fancies himself as a bit of an entrepreneur and is always turning his hand to new business opportunities, while Balu tags along innocently. They are curious to know why Nilesh and Raju take such an interest in the Kumar house.

Mrs Kapoor and Mrs Sharma
Mrs Kapoor (left) and Mrs Sharma (right) are two neighbours of the Kumar family. While Mrs Sharma is a relatively mild personality, Mrs Kapoor has a very superior attitude and her comments are often acerbic. Her relationship with Sanchita Kumar is extremely competitive as they are always looking to outdo each other.
Casting Directors
The two Casting Directors live in a completely different world from Mehrgaon. Their world is that of movies and celebrity in 1960s Bombay, not that of Mehrgaon village life.